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Meerza's Tutorial

The Tutos !
About Tutorial Entries
Welcome Gaise !

Since Jan 2011

Why hello there . Mirza in here . This is my tutorial blog and sorry if i don't update the tutorial lately that's because i'm kind of busy . You can request the tutorial at my cbox on the personal blog and also visit my fanfic blog for some fanfic stories . Thank you .
Private Cbox
Thursday, December 29, 2011 | 6:26 PM | 7 comments

ohayo ! lame x post ' something ' kat blog nie .. huhu .. mentang-mentanglaa dah ade blog baru , kan ? .. hehe .. btw , hari nie meerza nak buat tuto .. meerza dapat request daripada Aina .. dia tanye camne nak buat cbox tanpa post .. [ seperti gambar yang di atas ] .. so , let's start our tutorial !

ok first , korang kenelaa buat cbox dulu .. daftar apa sume .. then , edit and etc ... pastu dapat code , en ? .. then korang paste je code cbox kat mane tempat yang korang suke .. yang gune classic temp , letak laa kat edit html .. yang gune classic temp a.k.a blogskin , letak laa at sidebar an etc. .. okay .. code cbox korang tuu macam ni , kan ?

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<div><iframe frameborder="0" width="200" height="75" src=";boxtag=7hhrk8&amp;sec=form" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="yes" name="cboxform6-XXXXXX" style="border:#FFFFFF 1px solid;border-top:0px" id="cboxform6-626600"></iframe></div>

okay .. senang je nak buat sebenarnya .. korang cuma perlu delete yang meerza strikethrough kan tuu je .. then , siap ! .. hehe .. okay tuu je untuk hari nie .. btw , jangan lupa baca Fanfic meerza at blog baru meerza , okay ? .. hehe .. bye :D

Meerza Syazwana

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