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Meerza's Tutorial

The Tutos !
About Tutorial Entries
Welcome Gaise !

Since Jan 2011

Why hello there . Mirza in here . This is my tutorial blog and sorry if i don't update the tutorial lately that's because i'm kind of busy . You can request the tutorial at my cbox on the personal blog and also visit my fanfic blog for some fanfic stories . Thank you .
Customized Scrollbar
Friday, August 12, 2011 | 5:14 PM | 0 comments

hello ! hye ! yo ! wassup guyz ! .. hari ni meerza nk ajar mcmane nk customized scrollbar yg kat tepi uhh .. nmpk x scrollbar meerza warne ape ? warne biru en ? haha .. yg tu laa yg meerza nk ajar kan kat korang hari nieyh ..

kayy first ..
Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML >> Tick Expand Widget Template

tekan Ctrl + F cari code


then , copy code nieyh pastu paste sebelum code  [[></b:skin>

::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 12px;
background: #000000;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;

 yg warne purple uhh warne code untuk background scrollbar ..
warne merah uhh warne code untuk benda yg scroll uh ..
klau korang x nk gune warne tp nk gune gambar untuk scroll uhh .. korang tukar code merah uhh ngan code nieyh ..

background-image:url(URL IMG);

URL IMG uhh url gambar yg korang nk .. ok ?
lepas tuu preview and save ! siap .. :)

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