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Meerza's Tutorial

The Tutos !
About Tutorial Entries
Welcome Gaise !

Since Jan 2011

Why hello there . Mirza in here . This is my tutorial blog and sorry if i don't update the tutorial lately that's because i'm kind of busy . You can request the tutorial at my cbox on the personal blog and also visit my fanfic blog for some fanfic stories . Thank you .
Own Navbar Classic Template
Friday, October 21, 2011 | 9:41 PM | 0 comments

hye guys ! first skali meerza nk ckp , tuto nie hanya untuk Classic Template or Blogskins sahaja .. :)

Dashboard >> Template

Ctrl + F , search code


Paste code nie kat bawah code tadi

<div style="position: absolute; top:0px; right: 0px; width:100%; border-radius:2px; position:fixed; padding:3px; background:url(URL BACKGROUND); color:#ffffff; font-size:11px;">CONTENT</div> 

* Hijau tu lebar navbar . Korang boleh adjust dye punye size ikut suke korang .
* Biru tu position . Boleh digantikan dengan ABSOLUTE , RELATIVE , FIXED .
* Orange tu gambar untuk background korang punye navbar .
* Merah tu warne font korang .
* Purple tu ape yang korang nk tulis kat navbar korang .

Preview n save !

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