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Meerza's Tutorial

The Tutos !
About Tutorial Entries
Welcome Gaise !

Since Jan 2011

Why hello there . Mirza in here . This is my tutorial blog and sorry if i don't update the tutorial lately that's because i'm kind of busy . You can request the tutorial at my cbox on the personal blog and also visit my fanfic blog for some fanfic stories . Thank you .
Ringankan Blog (Lazy Load Jquery vers.)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 | 6:31 PM | 0 comments

korang tau x ape kegunaan lazy load Jquery ni ? kpd sesiape yg tahu .. bagos laa .. kpd sesiape yg x tau , meh sini meerza bagi tau .. lazy load jquery ni dpt meringankan blog kite tau .. klau blog kite dah berat mesti memakan mase yg lame untuk loading , kan ? .. kesian org menunggu lame2 .. so , kpd sesiape yg nk mempercepatkan loading blog dye .. bolehlaa gune lazy load jquery nie .. :D

ok first pegy .. 

Dashboard >> Design >> Add Gadget >> HTML / Javascript

then copy code ni n paste .. pastu save ..

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function($){if (navigator.platform == "iPad") return;jQuery("img").lazyload({effect:"fadeIn",placeholder: ""});});</script>
siap sudaa .. selamat mencuba yee korang .. :)

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